Qld’s Rig Site Safety Working Group took a deep dive into our industry’s changing landscape at their recent Drilling & Completions Industry Incident Review Panel (DCIIRP) via the theme ‘‘New’ - New Workers. New Starts. New to Industry. New to the Role.’ , recognising that a lack of experience of any type brings extra challenges. The Event focussed on available tools and innovations designed to increase knowledge, freshen perspective, and deepen our commitment to improved safety awareness, safety performance and safety outcomes.

Glenn Watt (VP Upstream Qld/NSW, Santos), our event Host & Co-MC opened the event, welcoming delegates and acknowledging the traditional owners. Glenn remined everyone our Incident Review Panels “don't put a copyright on safety.  These events are about preventing repeat incidents".

Chris Johns (Service Delivery Manager, MPC Kinetic) delivered poignant and heartfelt reflections on safety and his time in industry, and reflections on the ongoing challenges that the industry faces in attracting and keeping skilled labour.  

Following Chris were some significant incident shares, some with high actual and potential consequences; first a ‘Fall from Height’ incident, followed by a ‘Truck Driver Eye Injury’ incident in which a key message emphasised the need for a firm explanation of safety expectation for all operations needs to be delivered to all new employees. 

Glenn then presented the group's 3rd de-identified incident. This was a line of fire incident with the potential for a single fatality. A Member Company had shared the event details, with the Safer Together team creating presentation materials so that those not directly involved in the event could still share the learnings.

This same process is available to all Members, and results in a full toolbox pack that can be shared widely in any organisation.  For more information click here.

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Layna Smith (Wells Engineer, Shell QGC) and Joanna Groves (Principal Engineer, InGauge Energy) stepped up to the lectern for their presentation ‘The Only One’.  Since the Queensland Women of Wells-run DCIIRP in March, this group of women have gone from strength to strength. Joanna and Layna shared their experiences and thoughts on "active diversity and inclusion" by asking the audience to consider that a female in their teams may be "the only one". They offered advice on simple steps colleagues and organisations can do to ensure the workplace is a safe space for all staff.

Following a short break, Glenn Ross (Learning and Development Lead, INPEX and WA/NT Competence and Behaviour Working Group chair) kindly having travelled from Darwin to update delegates on the progress of the Industry Safety Induction (ISI), how WA/NT and Qld Working Groups are collaborating and possible next steps. Glenn also noted, in line with the theme, that the ISI is, in many instances, an employee's first impression of our industry, so the key messages of the ISI, and its’ delivery are so important. Glenn closed by asking if there are any delegates interested in joining or consulting on the ISI project.

Jamie Wilson (Managing Director, Enterprise Risk Management Systems) shared an update on the history of the Wellsite Permit to Work system moving from paper based to a highly advanced digital tool. This presentation highlighted the power of the industry using the same processes at multiple organisations sites, also making it easier for new starts to the industry to stay safe.

Chris Johns returned to lead a highly interactive (live) Menti poll designed to engage with delegates on the challenges, successes they had experienced and to ask what the Rig Site Safety Working Group might do next to support them.

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Chris then thanked all presenters, Safer Together and all attendees for making this another fantastic event, before delegates retired for some refreshments.

Thank you to our sponsors MPC Kinetic and Santos for their generous contribution to the success of this Event.  

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Members can access a full recording of the Event.

Members can also access the excellent slide pack for this Event.

To register for future Rig Site Safety Working Group events, email: [email protected]